Tuesday, July 1, 2014

[untitled one act play]

(The McGuire's Great Room, present day Bothwell. KIMBERLY is sprawled on her back in the middle of the room next to DADDY who is kneeling. Various other family members are in the room. The McGuire's have just finished family prayer.)

KIMBERLY: (moaning dramatically to DADDY) Daaaaaaaad, I'm at the age where everyone older than me has a very strong opinion about what I should do with my life which they always feel obligated to tell me and it always just so happens that their advice is against whatever I want to do. And I hate it!! It's like, people, thanks, but no thanks...can't you just be, like, supportive of what I want to do for once and not tell me that what I want to do is stupid and not profitable and is an all-around bad idea? (heavy sigh)

DADDY: (shifts to look down at KIMBERLY) ...mmmmmm....so you hate their advice? (stares down solemnly at KIMBERLY, but with a twinkle in his eye) Well, you know, I was just thinking this morning about how everything you're doing is a bad idea. (KIMBERLY audibly gasps) Yes, an awfully bad idea. And I think you should skip out on college and go be a hippie and live on the beach in a big van with.....a bunch of ex-convicts with tattoos! That's my advice.

KIMBERLY gasps in dramatic horror and slaps DADDY*


*on the knee


  1. I adore this. <33333333
    I adore you. <33333333333333333333

  2. How did I not see this? ;) This is so perfect. Your dad is my favorite. YOU are my favorite <3

  3. Oh, so that's a normal time of life. Great. I was beginning to think it was just me.
