Saturday, July 12, 2014

cause even the stars they burn, some even fall to the earth

::so I'm sitting here with this egg white/lime/honey mask on my face typing this blog post because last night one of my bffs told me to try it and my skin is in desperate need of pampering and so I did some more internet research on it (because that's what I do...some weird instinct of mine...research ALL the things!) and decided to try it
::my constant fear is that someone will knock on the door/ring the doorbell and because I'm the only one at home....I'll have to answer it... LOOKING LIKE THIS.
::also I'm pretty sure I have honey on my arms and hands which is probably gonna make this entire desk and keyboard super sticky
::I really really really hate fourteen hour workdays with a forty minute car-drive to my next job being my only break
::and when they're not fourteen hour workdays, they're eleven or twelve hour work days which isn't much better
::I miss finals week
::that was a piece of yummy cake compared to this
::mmmm speaking of cake... *stands up to go get something yummy*
::*Kimberly's shoulder angel intervenes* SIT BACK DOWN YOU'RE ON A DIET
::oh yeah... heh... I'm getting fat and I hate it
::but the only times I have to exercise on most days is either at 5:30am or 9:45pm and both those times I am just utterly. exhausted.
::maybe I should just suck it up and do it because I do NOT want to go to college this out of shape
::I'm counting down the days
::it's Tuesday, August 26th at exactly 2pm because you totally wanted to know that fact -_-
::kay so my two favorite songs this summer contradict each other
::what's up with that?
::I live on a perpetually low tank of gas
::or maybe it's just a perpetually low tank of feelings
::welcome to my walls, they're built to keep emotionally-damaging people out while I fit my life's puzzle pieces back together
::I just can't be vulnerable at the moment
::I get the feeling, though, that if I did Walls with the people I do NOT want to do Walls with, a lot of things would snap into place
::and I know there's this thing going around where it's like all the blog posts are "BE VULNERABLE" and "TAKE RISKS" and "JUMP OFF THE CLIFF INTO THE SWIRLING EMOTIONAL WHIRLWIND AND TAKE A CHANCE" and I'll probably write a blog post like that sometime
::but right now... I just can't.
::I literally do not have the energy to confront all of that
::I already broke down once this summer and it was awful
::no one was supposed to really know that so keep that on the low-down, kay? thanks a billion
::idk, just remember that everyone is broken somewhere inside even if they look happy and it seems like life's going for them and all that
::I mean, we're all human and we've all experienced pain and bad hair days
::so I should probably go wash this face mask off now...otherwise I'll  forget and start doing my secretary work which I'm supposed to be doing right now but I just couldn't bring myself to start and then get out of my pajamas and go to my other job with it still on
::the horror o.O
::bye now

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly, I love you a lottle. Life sucks sometimes. And by sometimes I mean a lot of the time. *gives you a big squeeze* You are amazing. I love you.
    Even though you wrote this a while ago, I hope nobody came to the door. Because I know the feeling. Once I had just finished smearing a green mask all over my face, and my sister called, and I had to go pick her up, looking like that. Yeah. -_-
