Sunday, July 20, 2014

sometimes I like to talk like a gangsta

You were born to light up the world.  So um yeah.  Think about that and then think about how we are literally created from the elements of dead star explosions.  Like, we're alive because some star went supernovae out in the universe somewhere. So yeah.  Now go back to the first sentence.  You were born to light up the world.  Now connect the dots.  Form a "crazy thought constellation" as I now like to call it.  It's kind of like.... wonderfully ironic.  We're born to light up the world and we're created from stardust.  What now. And then like, the light of Christ, people.  It's all in us.  So we're more than just stars.  We're lights of Christ.  Which is why we're born to light up the world.  Right?  And we're stars..... okay okay, I keep repeating myself but it just hit me and IT'S A COOL THOUGHT OKAY. #sorrynotsorry #hatersgonnahate But it's like, so legit when you think about it that way.  Deep thoughts, bro.  Deep thoughts.  I'm pretty sure my mind was blown or went explosive-happy on me or something.  The heck.  I'm talking all mystical now.  But seriously, isn't it a wonderfully amazing connection?  Now go drink a tall glass of starlight and get out into the world and shine it up, yo. 
-written January 14, 2014


  1. Kim. You sound like Tim. Haha. :D I love it. And you. ^_^
    Also, You blew my mind. Which is pretty good. Because I have a big mind. Haha. :D
    Smile a lot. ^_^

    1. xD Pahaha....believe it or not... I actually write like this a lot. ;) I just never show it to anybody. And now I'm just gonna start calling this my "inner Tim"....sooo not like that's weird or anything. Hopefully he never sees this comment....paha And I'm glad I blew your mind ;) And I shall...I shall smile a lot. <3

  2. AH AH AH AH AH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. SO MUCH. AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. And please break out your "Inner Tim" more often okay. ;)
