Sunday, April 12, 2015

w a n d e r l u s t

a great desire to travel and rove about

let's just be adventurers
and together let's 
live in the sunshine
and swim in the sea
and hike majestic mountains
and run through forests
and eat ice cream
in an Italian ice cream parlor
and stroll the boulevards
of Paris and London and Amsterdam
and climb the Great Wall
and take pictures by the pyramids
while dancing to crazy music in our heads
and let's meet new people 
and speak their culture
and just become hopeless wanderers
that go to seek a great perhaps
in the big wide beautiful world
and every night
let's stare up at the stars
and take in their wonder
and breath in the wild air
and feel gorgeously free
teetering in the unknown
falling in love
with wandering.