Tuesday, June 17, 2014

just want to spend the rest of my life laughing

//tonight it was just me and my mommy and my daddy and my brother and my other brother
//and we were all getting ready for family prayer
//and my dad decided to randomly start doing push-ups and then my brother and my other brother joined in
//I was sitting on my mommy's lap with my arms around her neck like the five-year-old that I really am at heart and I wouldn't get off her lap to do push-ups like my dad wanted me to so she just ended up cradling me like she used to do when I was little
//did I mention I'm eighteen?
//then somehow I was on the floor and my dad was trying to persuade me to do just TWO push-ups and I was showing him my weak girly arms and protesting loudly in my drama queen voice
//of course, that's just the right thing to trigger my two brothers into  showing off their Much Bigger muscles
//don't tell them, but brother and my other brother are freakin' buff
//like. how. even.
//I'm pretty sure my brothers made me feel their biceps at least five (plus four hundred) times each
//so, not even being able to manage two push-ups pretty much tells you the physical shape I'm in
//brother and other brother were still showing off their muscles at this point in time and also doing more push-ups to show me how much stronger they are than me as if I couldn't already tell
//it was probably right about then-ish that I said something extremely awkward (not unusual)
//which set me, my mommy, brother and other brother into waves of laughter (unusual)
//and not just ha ha ha, but like HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
//like, real deep down belly laughter that's more like gasping for air than anything else
//note: I haven't laughed my real authentic laugh in a long long long long +10 time 
//we were laughing so hard we couldn't say the prayer for another ten minutes and even then...
//I'd just like to say that I'm really glad God has a sense of humor #soyeah
//anyway, that was the last fifteen minutes of my night and I will treasure it forever because within those fifteen minutes I was Real Authentic Me Period. 
//it was one of those life Kodak moments, ya feel?
//I just want to spend the rest of my life laughing...not that fake polite laugh we all do or even the "hahaha that's funny" laugh but the REAL thing...ya know where sometimes you can't breathe or you snort or your turn red? 
//and of course, it'd be with the people I love

1 comment:

  1. **applause**
    That was beautiful. Way to capture a wonderful treasured moment, forever in the infinite interwebs.
