Saturday, May 24, 2014

if we were having cookies and milk...

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell you...that I'm actually way excited to be working four different part-time jobs this summer because in all honesty, I hate having down-time where I have to wring out every ounce of creativity from my uncreative brain and find something to do. That something I usually end up doing is parking my lazy self in front of the computer and either 1) watching Youtube 2) stalking blogs 3) chatting with friends 4) window shopping or 5) pinteresting. Working will keep me busy as a bee and far away from the life-sucking pull of my computer. And is it weird that slightly monotonous and methodical work is emotionally healing for me? Probably.

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell much I appreciate true gentlemen in this world of players, jocks, and jerks.

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell you...I'm really really sorry if you ever had to deal with me when I'm stressed, drained, tired or all of the above. When that happens, I tend to pull all my feelings into a ball inside myself and set up walls to keep people out.  I live inside my own little world, protecting my heart because I can't carry one more thing. I tend to distance myself from others, including my closest friends and family because I don't want to accidentally say something that hurts them. I tend to get very blunt and direct when I'm pushed over the edge.  Just know that I always always always feel terrible afterwards and I am most likely dwelling on it and beating myself up for being so mean and inconsiderate. 

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell you...that all I really need right now is a sincere hug and a lot of love because the last four months of my life have been hard and even if you think you know what's going on because I've told you some things, you probably don't know the half of it.  

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell some point in the conversation, "Oh my gosh I loved being a trail guide for Elevation Outdoors and my pods were the bestest and you can pretty much just be jealous." And then after I'm done raving about all the people in both of my pods, I'd probably pause for a second and tilt my head and look at you and say, "I just really hope I made a difference in their lives because they definitely made a difference in mine." And if you know me really well, you would understand that I meant that statement from the very bottom of my heart. #pod4ever #mallardsrock

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell you...that I'm really craving some really good chicken alfredo.

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell you...I'm really into wearing my hair in a braid to one side and that I also really enjoy wearing my Elevation baseball hat on backwards. Not that I'm a hat person. I just really like that particular hat. Add some aviators to that look and bingo, I'm set.

If we were having cookies and milk, I'd tell you...not to be alarmed if you don't hear from me for a long time.


  1. I love you, dearest. <3 And I miss you. *Gives you a huge hug* Good luck this summer. (:

    P.S. I'd totally make you chicken alfredo if I was there. (;

  2. **returns huge hug** You are one of my favorites. Thank you so much for everything!

    P.S. Just make it virtually and I'll eat it virtually. ;)
